18.2 database data types > 파이썬 기초

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18.2 database data types


글쓴이 관리자 조회 34,751 조회 날짜 19-12-21 10:44 / U:20-02-12 16:07
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Database data types


Numeric Types Spec Description
 TINYINT Integer(-128 ~ 127) A very small integer
 SMALLINT Integer(-32768 ~ 32767) A small integer
 MEDIUMINT Integer(-8388608 ~ 8388607) A medium-sized integer
 INT Integer(-2147483648 ~ 2147483647) A standard integer
 BIGINT Integer(-923372036854775808 ~ 923372036854775807) A large integer
 DECIMAL   A fixed-point number
 FLOAT Decimal(23자리) A single-precision floating point number
 DOUBLE Decimal(24 ~ 53자리) A double-precision floating point number
 BIT   A bit field



String Types Spec Description
 CHAR String(0 ~ 255) A fixed-length nonbinary (character) string
 VARCHAR String(0 ~ 255) A variable-length non-binary string
 BINARY   A fixed-length binary string
 VARBINARY   A variable-length binary string
 TINYBLOB   A very small BLOB (binary large object)
 BLOB String(0 ~ 65535) A small BLOB
 MEDIUMBLOB String(0 ~ 16777215) A medium-sized BLOB
 LONGBLOB String(0 ~ 424967295) A large BLOB
 TINYTEXT String(0 ~ 255) A very small non-binary string
 TEXT String(0 ~ 65535) A small non-binary string
 MEDIUMTEXT String(0 ~ 16777215) A medium-sized non-binary string
 LONGTEXT String(0 ~ 424967295) A large non-binary string
 ENUM 설정 옵션중 하나 An enumeration; each column value may be assigned one enumeration member
 SET 설정 옵션중 선택 A set; each column value may be assigned zero or more SET members



Date and Time Types Spec Description
 DATE CCYY-MM-DD A date value in CCYY-MM-DD format
 TIME CCYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss A time value in hh:mm:ss format
 DATETIME CCYYMMDDhhmmss A date and time value inCCYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ssformat
 TIMESTAMP hh:mm:ss A timestamp value in CCYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format
 YEAR CCYY, YY A year value in CCYY or YY format



Spatial Data Types Spec Description
 GEOMETRY   A spatial value of any type
 POINT   A point (a pair of X-Y coordinates)
 LINESTRING   A curve (one or more POINT values)
 POLYGON   A polygon
 MULTIPOINT   A collection of POINTvalues
 MULTIPOLYGON   A collection of POLYGONvalues


출처 : http://www.mysqltutorial.org/mysql-data-types.aspx


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